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Hand Drying Technology for Hygiene Awareness

Abbie Faulkner
Hand dryers have surprised everyone in the world of washroom electronics, and they're advanced technology for hygiene is something you should experience yourself.
In the world of hygiene, it’s essential to have the knowledge and basic understanding of the hazards and potential risks you could face if you don’t follow the principles of personal hygiene.

For example, there is a particular way we should wash our hands and the appropriate duration, just like when we brush our teeth, too.

Hygiene Awareness

To be able to achieve proper hygiene awareness, many of us stick to a routine which allows us to practice the basic rules and tasks we perform daily. We take a shower, wash the fresh fruit and vegetables we purchased, use deodorant and of course the main body part we use the most, our hands.

How many times do you wash your hands a day?

The Basic Principles of Hand Hygiene

The three steps for hand hygiene are – preparation, washing and rinsing, and drying. Although this seems like a very simple task, many don’t understand the impact it can have regarding the reduction and spreading of infectious diseases.

4 Step Process

1. Wet your hands with clean water and apply the soap

2. Ensure the back of your hands are covered in soap, as well as in between your fingers and nails

3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds and rinse the soap off

4. Dry your hands with a hygienic hand dryer, do not use paper towels as this is costly to the environment

Hand Dryers Or Paper Towels?

There has been a popular debate between whether or not hand dryers are more efficient than paper towels, and if they actually clean our hands leaving them free or germs and bacteria. It’s been said that hand dryers in fact spread bacteria in wash rooms.

They both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but hand dryers are less harmful to the environment.

The Technology For Hand Dryers

Technology has evolved in recent years, developing not only hand dryers, but phones, video games, and other items that are used daily by us.

There is a range of hygienic hand dryers, specifically designed to raise and promote hygiene levels in washrooms, care for the environment and yet stay efficient enough to get the job done in seconds.

HEPA Filters

Welcome HEPA filters, our saviours. These filters can remove up to 99.9% of bacteria from the air. It captures the bacteria and ensures it's not spread over the hands of users.

They are powerful and quick drying machines which work wonders in public bathrooms and washrooms.

Promote Hygiene

The evolution of washroom facilities, including hand dryers, has been quite significant. Many hygiene specialists have noticed the importance of washroom hygiene in commercial environments, with it’s ability to reduce workplace related illnesses and infections.

Next time you're in a public bathroom, check out the technology within it!

Protect The Environment

Paper towels are extremely harmful to the environment which is why many commercial washrooms are phasing them out. They were first invented in 1907 and carry a huge amount of waste with them.

They are the least green way of drying hands, and it’s our job to at least make the effort towards a greener future.

Support Technology That Makes A Difference

Hand dryers is probably not at the top of your list when it comes to latest technology, but it’s definitely one to note down.

We should all collectively be working towards a sustainable, healthy and hygienic future.